Publication & Editorial Staff Contacts

Production Editor

Emily Bennison

Journal of Neurology & Neuromedicine Business Offices

3039 Ledgestone Pl Ne
Grand Rapids, MI 49525, USA
Phone: +1-201-903-4967

Supporting Sectional Editors

Cherine Fahim, Canada

Giuseppe Sorrentino, Italy

Tang Wai Kwong, SAR

William V. Padula, USA

Kazumasa Saigoh, Japan

Lim Shen-Yang, Malaysia

Frank D. Lewis, USA

Karen Keough, USA

Serefnur Ozturk, Turkey

Prof. Kurt Jellinger, Austria

Jung Yul Park, Korea

Supporting Reviewers

Emmanuel Nwosu, South Africa

Ozge Kenis Coskun, Turkey

Your questions and comments concerning our publication services are important to us and we would be happy to answer them at the earliest. We also make sure that your contact information remains secured.